A condominium community in the heart of Irvine, CA
Request New WM Toter Service
Any RSJ homeowner who is currently using our trash & recycling dumpsters may switch over and use the green, wheeled toters for their trash and recycling.
Note: If you already have trash and recycling toters, but would like to change the toter size, please contact Waste Management's Customer Service who can assist you. Visit our Trash/Recycling & Bulk Pickups web page for details.
Keep these points in mind before you fill out the request form below:
By submitting the form below, you agree to discontinue using our HOA's trash & recycling dumpsters. If you continue to use both our dumpsters and your toters, it adds to our HOA's trash expense which affects all our homeowners who pay into the HOA to cover our costs.
The trash & recycling toters are to be placed by the designated curbside areas for collection by Waste Management. We've provided a map showing where the toters can be placed for collection: See RSJ toter placement map
Waste Management offers 3 toter sizes for your trash and recycling: 32 gallon, 64 gallon, and 96 gallon. You can choose the same size for your trash and recycling, or a different size for each. View the sizes below to determine which size trash and recycling toter fits your needs. (View larger size image here)
Submitted toter requests are sent to Waste Management on the second Friday each month. (Toter requests submitted after the second Friday will be sent to WM on the following month.) Waste Management will then deliver the requested toters to each RSJ residence on the last Friday of the month.
Once you start to use your toters, please wheel them out by the street curb, either the night before collection day, or the morning of, which is Friday each week. After Waste Management empties your toters, you must wheel them into your garage before the end of the day. Please do not leave your toters out after Friday. Visit our Trash/Recycling & Bulk Pickups web page for more info our trash & recycling collection schedule
Online Form to Request a Trash and Recycling Toter
Please fill out & submit the form below if you would like to request a trash toter and recycling toter for your home. If submitted by the second Friday of the month, Waste Management will deliver your toters on the last Friday of the month. (If submitted after the second Friday, delivery of your toters will take place the following month, on the last Friday.)